WAPDA Lahore PTS Jobs 2025 August Advertisement Application Form, Water and power development authority is the largest power plant which is situated in different places or in different biggest cities of Pakistan. Water and power development authority is now providing job opportunities for the suit able candidates in different kind of posts in August 2025 through National testing Services. The required posts are include accounts assistant, junior clerk etc. for taking complete knowledge about the required posts you can see the job advertisement which is given below in this page. All these required posts are avail able only on the contract basis for specific time period which may be extends by the good performance of the candidates. Selection of the candidates will be held on the base of the merit and required eligibility criteria.
WAPDA Lahore PTS Jobs 2025 August Advertisement Application Form
Eligibility Criteria For WAPDA Lahore PTS Jobs 2025:
- Water and power development authority is also issued the required eligibility criteria for all the required or given posts or positions.
- The selection would be held only on the basis of the required eligibility criteria.
- The complete eligibility criteria for all the required posts or positions are avail able on the job advertisement which is given below in this page.
- All the candidates who are interested and want to apply application for job first examine the required eligibility criteria and make sure that they are eligible for their desired posts and then must apply application for job.
- If the candidates who are applying are not able or eligible for their desired posts they should not apply application form for job.
- In such case their application will not be acceptable and may be rejected.
How to apply For WAPDA Lahore PTS Jobs 2025:
- Application forms are avail able on the NTS web site.
- Candidates who want to apply must download their application form from the NTS web site nts.org.pk.
- Candidates will send their application from along with attested copies of relevant documents that are required such as qualification certificates, experience certificates, copy of CNIC, domicile and two recent passport size photos.
- Candidates must pay PTS fee which is Rs. 450/- in any branch of UBL, ABL, HBL and MCB.
- Candidates must attach the bank deposited slip along with the application form.
- Roll no. slip of the candidates will also be issued on the PTS website.
- Candidates will send their application on the given below address.
- For further detail candidates can contact freely to the PTS website.
WAPDA Lahore PTS Jobs 2025 August Advertisement:
Last Date:
The last date for form submission for WAPDA Lahore PTS Jobs 2025 August Advertisement Application Form is 13th September, 2025
PTS Headquarters, 1-E Street # 46, sector # I-8/2, Islamabad.