If you are living in Haripur then apply online WAPDA Cadet College Tarbela admission form 2025 1st year pre medical pre engineering from this page. If your matric is done and you want to join military college then you have to apply for this intake which is just written on this page. WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority Tarbela College is offering different program admission. Here we are talking about WAPDA Cadet College Tarbela FSC pre Medical Pre Engineering admission 2025 compete details. Through this page you will easily understand admission application form submission, last date, education documents marks percentage and written test marks percentage with merit list details.
Table of Contents
WAPDA Cadet College Tarbela 1st year FSC admissions 2025 are offering for Matric pass students. This college is giving best quality facilities for their students. According to WAPDA Cadet College Tarbela admission 2025 advertisement is giving education eligibility criteria, Written test, Medical test, test result, Merit list and final interview details. This is a reality WAPDA Cadet College Tarbela 1st year admission demand is very high in Students. This is an also fact total number of admission application form is increasing every year as compare total number for admission seats.
WAPDA Cadet College Tarbela Admission Form 2025 1st Year Pre Medical Pre Engineering
matric pass students are invited to apply for the WAPDA cadet college 11th class admision. This page is consisting on advertisment, date schedule, and all the details of eligibility criteria. So you all have to read this page and make sure that you are ready to apply for it and dates are valid yet open to apply.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Students with matric pass or O levels
- O levels or foreign students will bring the equivalence letter issued by the IBCC Islamabad
- Entry test is important for students it will conduct in Campus hall Tarbela or Lahore in June
- Age must be between 15 and 17 years on 15th August
- Matric with minimum 75% marks are required
- Medical test will also be taken by student
- Interview will conduct in August month date
Admission Procedure:
If you meeting the above eligibility criteria then you are ready to apply for the WAPDA Cadet College Tarbela inter admission form for Pre Medical and Pre Engineering. You will follow the below written method which is very important and necessary for the students. Just keep on reading this article for taking more updates.
- Click on the button below to download the WCCT 1st year admission 2025 form
- Fill up the form and attach all the required documents written in it
- You are also required to attach the entry test result card with it
- Medical fitness certificate will also be attached with it
- Attach your latest passport size 4 photographs
- must submit the form before the last date
[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”httpss://www.wcct.edu.pk/admissions” icon=”” target=”true”]WCCT 1st Year Admission Form[/button]
Hence you have taken the details about WAPDA Cadet College Tarbela Admission Form 2025 1st Year Pre Medical Pre Engineering. You are all advised that you must be aware of these information and apply within due date and time. Incase of anyone who will not apply within due date will be rejected. Just stay in tune and keep on comments below for taking more about the WCCT 11th class admission 2025.