If are you going to check the www.uhs.edu.pk UHS Provisional Merit List 2025 MBBS, BDS then there is no need to go to any other website. This year the MDCAT is taken by the Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC). If you have attempted this test and you also have submitted your admission form to any medical college then here we are sharing the UHS merit list for MBBS and BDS. University of Health Sciences is the only responsible authority that could provide you with the MBBS, BDS Merit List for Medical and Dental Colleges of Punjab. At the time of the Advertisement for the UHS MCAT entry test, it is mentioned here along with the UHS Provisional Merit List 2025.
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UHS Provisional Merit List 2025 PDF Download
The University of Health Science UHS merit list for MBBS and BDS will be uploaded here on this page. This year the MDCAT is taken by the Pakistan Medical Council PMC in 2025. So those who have attempted this test then your merit list will be prepared for MBBS and BDS admission in medical colleges in Pakistan. Keep on reading this page and just stay tuned with this page for further updates.
UHS Provisional Merit List
This year the Medical and Dental Colleges Admission Test (MDCAT) is taken by the Pakistan Medical Council (PMC). The test date was 2025 and UHS MDCAT has been canceled so the University of Health Sciences is not authorized for the merit list. The clock on the below link to see the merit list.
Those students who have passed the MDCAT test will be eligible to submit the admission form. While if you will submit the admission form the officials will calculate the marks of a student in FSc pre-medical. So you have to keep on reading this page and stay in tune because as soon as we are taking any further details. Complete Medical and Dental Colleges of Punjab Merit List for programs of MBBS and BDS will be announced and today is the time when you are able to check out this MBBS, BDS Merit List.
Latest Update:
Pakistan Medical Commission PMC will soon announce here on this page as soon as the University of Health Sciences UHS officials will declare it. Students are very curious about this Merit List because this is the question of their future and they do not want to waste it at any cost. All students who appear in the MCAT entry test are to be selected for the MBBS or the BDS program in the Government Medical Colleges of Punjab.
University of Health Sciences UHS Lahore is only responsible for taking the MCAT Entry Test and then announcing the MBBS, BDS Merit List for the Punjab Government Medical and Dental Colleges so that is why on the complete www.uhs.edu.pk. Merit List 2025 MBBS, BDSÂ Second Selection list of the selected candidates will be available online. The students can check whether their name is in the UHS Provisional Merit List 2025 MBBS, BDS Merit List or not from this page easily without going anywhere and sitting at their home online.