Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority TEVTA 6 Months short course 2025 admission June Sunday advertisement is grabbed here. TEVTA is offering six months short courses for various fields like computer, engineering, electrical, plumber and lots more. Here we are talking about TEVTA AutoCAD, Auto Mechanic, Civil Server, Electrician, Fair General, Motor winding, HVAGR, Motor Cycle mechanic, Quality Survivor, Fashion Designing, Professional cooking, Beautician, Web designing and Computer certificate. If you want to take admission in any of these courses you just need to make sure if you are meeting the eligibility or not. After that you will be required to submit the form within due date and time. Further about your advertisement is also given below. Just keep on reading for taking more updates online.
Table of Contents
TEVTA six Months Short Course is part of Punjab growth Strategy 2025. Through Punjab Growth Strategy 2025 program Punjab government will give TEVTA short sources for minimum 5 lac people because through Skills Sector Plan Pakistani people will get jobs opportunities. Classes will start on June and students will take their admission cards a month before the classes commence. Keep in mind TEVTA short sources 2025 all admission procedure is totally free of cost, training, material of training and other skills base duties are totally free. 1000 rupees per month scholarship will issue by TEVTA.
TEVTA 6 Months Short Course 2025 Admission June Sunday Advertisement
Students who are free from their studies are invited to apply for the TEVTA 6 months short courses admissions. We will update the advertisement for this intake if the officials announce it in coming times. Untill unless you have to stay in tune with this page. As soon as the new update is announced will be updated here on this page.
TEVTA 6 Months Short Courses:
- AutoCAD
- Auto Mechanic
- Civil Server
- Electrician
- Fair General
- Motor winding
- Motor Cycle mechanic
- Quality Survivor
- Fashion Designing
- Professional cooking
- Beautician
- Web designing
- Computer certificate
How to Get Admission:
On newspaper advertisement officials are announced admission procedure for TEVTA 6 Months Short Course 2025 admission. According to advertisement people will contact on different cities numbers for admission. But this year due to the new government, the TEVTA has launched Hunarmand Nowjawan program in which you can apply for the following prgorams.
Hunarmand Nojawan (Short Courses)
Sr. No | Course | Institutes | |
1 | Microsoft IT Academies | [English] | [Urdu] |
2 | E-Rozgar | [English] | [Urdu] |
3 | Driving | [English] | [Urdu] |
4 | Chinese Language | [English] | [Urdu] |
5 | English Language | [English] | [Urdu] |
6 | Short Courses (3 months) | [English] | [Urdu] |
7 | Short Courses (6 months) | [English] | [Urdu] |
So the detaisl about Hunarmand Nojawan TEVTA 6 Months Short Course 2025 Admission June Sunday Advertisement language is urdu for applicants understanding level so get admission and secure your future. For taking any further udpate you can leave comment in the following comments section and we will reply you as soon as possible for this program.