SPSC medical officers, women medical officer jobs 2025 post are announced. Health department recruitment procedures are online. Eligible candidates apply online for the post of medical officer or women medical officer. 2189 total posts in medical health sector and the last date of all posts is 29th February 2025.heath department divides all post to different categories. Applicant should know about the eligible age which minimum 21 and maximum 30 years and also know the categories of departments to apply exact post. Medical department of health sector delivered requirements of all post to SPSC sindh public service commission for complete this procedure. There are 9 post of different category in health department.
SPSC Medical Officer, Women Medical Officer Jobs 2025 Form Last Date Apply Online
Eligible candidates must have original medicine degree or surgery with recognize university of HEC higher education centre, and also registered degree with Pakistan medical and dental council. In interview call degree will verifying from HEC.
Experience candidate will prefer but not most probably.
last date:
All candidates should apply before the last date of 29th February 2025. All application are not accepted which is submit after the 29 February.
Sr. No. | Post | R + U = T |
01 | Medical Officer | 1115 + 744 = 1859 |
02 | Women Medical Officer | 084 + 056 = 140 |
03 | Minorities 5% (M.O) | 061 + 040 = 101 |
04 | Minorities 5% (WMO) | 004 + 003 = 007 |
05 | Disable 2% (M.O) | 024 + 016 = 040 |
06 | Disable 2% (W.M.O) | 002 + 001 = 003 |
07 | M.L.O | 014 + 009 = 023 |
08 | W.M.L.O | 004 + 002 = 006 |
09 | C.M.O | 006 = 004 = 010 |
 BPS-17 posts of medical health department online forms available in official website www.pakijobs.pk , interviews and shortlisted candidates also click to this website and check online. 2189 posts are divided 9 categories which are selecting different departments. All male or female candidates have equal rights to apply these all jobs. No compensation in Age and education.
Respected Sir
I want to know the procedure for applying in CMH Rawalpindi for the purpose of one month clinical rotation (electives/ internship) for the month of June 2016.