Shalimar Express Train Fares, Ticket Prices, Online Booking, Timing

Well, here on this page we are here to provide you with the Shalimar Express Train Fares, and Ticket Prices according to this year which is 2025. Shalimar Express Train Online Booking, Timing For AC Sleeper, Lower AC, Economy, and Business Class from full berth to the Full Seat is available here on this page. Shalimar Express train route is from Lahore to Karachi and From Karachi To Lahore. This is a private train so that is why the fares are a little more than all other trains that are under the government. The best thing about the Shalimar Express Train is that this train is so punctual of its time that no other train could beat its time.

Shalimar Express Train Fares

The complete Shalimar Express Train Timings is also available on this page with the station time of Bahawalpur, Sahiwal, Multan Cantt, Lahore, Khanewal, Rohri, Raiwind, Hyderabad, Multan, and Nawbshah as these are the top of Shalimar Train from Lahore to Karachi or From Karachi To Lahore.

Shalimar Express Train Timings Online Booking

Shalimar Express Train Timings:

Shalimar Express Train leaves Lahore station at 06:00 am in the morning and reaches Karachi Station at 12:00 am. The same Shalimar Express train timings are backward when it starts from Karachi as it leaves Karachi at 06:00 am in the morning and reaches Lahore Station at 12:00 am. As is also mentioned above that the Shalimar train is very punctual of it time so if you reach late with the concept the trains are always late then that means you missed your train. The other complete information on Shalimar Express Train Fares, Ticket Prices, Online Booking, and Timing are as follow.

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Must visit Pakistan Railway Ticket Price List

Shalimar express ticket price:

The price of the tickets is mentioned in the above pdf.

16 thoughts on “Shalimar Express Train Fares, Ticket Prices, Online Booking, Timing”

  1. I have to book three seats from lahore to rahim yaar khan on 12 may 2025, kindly tell the timings and fair price of the tickets

    • Salam .mujhay multan se karachi ki kal monday main buisness class main 2 tickets chahiay hain
      My cotact no is= plz contact me…….

  2. Please book of parlour coach in Shalimar express railway from khanpur jn to FAISALABAD time 03:45pm date 24/06/2017

  3. I want 2 tickets of lower ac from lahore to karachi on second day of dly book my tickets.tgank u

  4. salam
    mujhy 27/6/2017 may karachi cant se lahore station k ley1 berth chahey shalimar night couch may econemy couch may.please reply me

  5. What is price for parlour car from karachi to lahore (and back).
    How early I need to go to booking office to get 3 seats.

  6. I want to book one full tiket and one half tiket with birth on 31 august 2025. It will be available or not?

  7. I want to reserve 6 seats with birth and two only seats on 8-9-17 for family from karachi to lahore

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