This page bringing the Rescue 1122 Driver PTS Test Result 2025 online answer keys. You have applied for the driver jobs in Rescue 1122 latest by 15 October 2025. Officials have also taken their entry test and now all those who have attempted this entry test can find the outcomes relating to this project. All candidates are hereby required to attempt this entry test and pass it with a minimum of 50% marks. Those who will pass this test will be called for the interview. At the time of the interview, you will bring the original documents and show them to the officials. You can now further obtain the information from the following trails as per the official’s information.
Pakistan Testing Service PTS has taken the written test for driver jobs in Rescue 1122. They have conducted this test based on a matric level questionnaire. Those who will pass this test will be called for the physical drive test at the rescue 1122 driver test centers. There your license certificate and mental health conditions will be analyzed. You are hereby informed that only if you will pass these both tests you will be entertained for this job otherwise you will be rejected.
Rescue 1122 Driver PTS Test Result 2025 Online
Pakistan Testing Service has takent the entry test for the driver jobs 2025 in Rescue 1122. If you have attempt this test and now looking forwards towards the result then just be stay in touch with us. Keep on reading and get the details regarding when the Rescue 1122 driver PTS test result is coming online.
When is Test Result Coming?
It is to be intimated to all of you that the Rescue 1122 Driver PTS test result date is not yet confirmed by the officials. But we are telling you that as soon as the result for driver jobs in rescue 1122 is announced will be uploaded here. This testing agency took a week or ten days for the announcement of its test result. But they are not telling us any final date for the announcement of the test result. You have to stay in tune with this page because as soon as the outcomes are announced will be available here on this page. Here you are also informed that before the announcement of the test result, the officials will announce the test answer keys on the next day of the test.
How to Check Result?
Whenever the result is announced you will follow the below-given trails to find the outcomes online from this page.
- As soon as the result is announced, a link will be updated online on this page
- You will be able to click on that link to get the outcomes
- Candidates can also send their CNIC and name in the following commenting section
Hence the complete details about Rescue 1122 Driver PTS test result 2025 online answer keys information is written on this page. I hope you have taken all the details of this matter. If you have any confusion or query relating to this outcomes you can share your comment in the following comments section. For taking any further update or query you have to stay in tune to this page.