If you are looking for Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology Rawalpindi Jobs 2025 Application Form or If you want to know about the Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology house job 2025 then you have actually reached at the right destination. By the way of this post we will be discussing about the Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology house job 2025. Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology (RIC) is known out to be the non-profit tertiary level cardiac hospital that is located in the place of Rawalpindi. Its foundation was put in the year 2012 that is all included with almost 50 departments. It would not be wrong to say that it is a complete well-equipped hospital in the country. The hospital was established by former Chief Ministr of Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif and Hanif Abbasi as former (MNA).
List of Departments In Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology:
- 48-beds Emergency Department
- Medical Ventilators
- CT Angiography Machines
- Operation Theaters
- Coronary Care Unit
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Gynecology
- Obstetrics
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Ophthalmology
- Pathology
- Orthopedic Surgery
Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology Rawalpindi House Job 2025 Application Form
- Urology
- Radiology
- Cardiology
- Dermatology
Eligibility Criteria For Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology Rawalpindi house job 2025:
- It is important that the applicant who is applying for the house job they should be having the MBBS degree that should be registered from PMDC Association.
- As after getting end up by the graduation medical studies, the applicant should have atleast one year of experience in the house job.
- They should also be holding with the legally registered certificate of full medical registration.
- Only the applicants who are holding the domicile of the Punjab are free to apply for the Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology Rawalpindi House Job 2025. If you are searching Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology Rawalpindi Jobs 2025 Application Form details then read advertisement.
Terms and Conditions For Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology Rawalpindi house job 2025:
- If you are one of the fresh medical students from the side of the host medical college of Punjab Province then you are free to apply for the house job in this hospital.
- If you are one of the fresh medical students from the side of the host public medical college of Punjab Province then you are free to apply for the house job in this hospital.
- If you are one of the fresh medical students from the side of the host private medical college of Punjab Province then you are free to apply for the house job in this hospital.
- If you are one of the fresh medical students from the side of the host international medical college and are registered legally under the PMDC then you are free to apply for the house job in this hospital.
- It is needed that while conducting the interview session, all the applicants should bring along with them their complete educational documents and certificates for the verification.
- No application form will be accepted for the submission that will be sent as incomplete or after the closing of the due date.
- No TA/DA is allowed.
All through by signing into this webpage you would be able to get more information knowing about the final date for the submission of the house job 2025 application forms in Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology Rawalpindi. Stay tuned to this webpage! share Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology Rawalpindi Jobs 2025 Application Form these important details with jobs seekers.