Punjab University Admission Schedule 2025 Last Date Morning, Evening

Now apply for Punjab University admission schedule 2025 last date morning, evening programs. The PU admissions 2025-2020 sessions are open in undergraduate and graduate classes. Only those students are eligible to proceed who will meet eligibility criteria for PU admission 2025-2021 in BS BBA BCom MA MSc programs. Students will be required to attempt the entry test and the merit list of shortlisted candidates will be uploaded. All shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview, and at the time of the interview, students will bring the original documents and pay the fees for the required program. So just keep on reading this article and stay on tuned to this page for reading more relevant information that is officially set by the officials.

The University of Punjab is the best leading university in this province where each student wants to take admission here. Whenever this institute opens admission a big number of students submit their forms to apply. But it is because the officials have limited seats so the applicants are shortlisted by calculating their aggregates for the merit list. Those who exist in the merit list will only be entertained with enrollment while others will be rejected to proceed. Now keep on reading to get more details about applying for the Punjab University admission schedule 2025 last date morning, evening programs.

Punjab University Admission Schedule 2025 Last Date Morning, Evening

The undergraduate and master programs are ready to apply for the Punjab University admission schedule 2025 has announced. The last date for form submission is Monday 5 October 2025 (9: 00 PM). Only apply online forms are acceptable and the physical forms will not be allowed. Continue reading for taking further details which are important for you to read before applying.

PU Admission 2025-21 Programs:

Punjab University admission 2025-21 is open for undergraduate and graduate programs in the faculty of arts and humanities, Faculty of Commerce, faculty of science, faculty of education, faculty of economics and management sciences, faculty of behavioral and social sciences, faculty of life sciences, faculty of engineering and technology, faculty of Islamic science

  • BS
  • Bed
  • BBIT
  • BBA
  • BFA
  • BCom
  • MA
  • Ed
  • MSc
  • MIM

Eligibility Criteria:

The complete eligibility criteria for Punjab University admission in bachelor’s or master’s programs are different. It varies from course to course and the candidates are required to check if they are meeting these requirements or not. All the eligibility for each program, are written in the advertisement. You can click on the image below for taking any further in clear wordings.

eligibility criteria for Punjab University admission in bachelor and masters

PU Admission Procedure:

If you are meeting the above eligibility for your program, then you are ready to apply for the Punjab University admission schedule 2025. It is required to read this article and consider the following date schedule. Any admission form received after the last date will be rejected to proceed.

online Admission Form Will Begin From Thursday 10 September 2025
Last Date for Online Apply Monday 5 September 2025
  1. Click on the below button for taking access to Punjab university admission to apply online form
  2. Pay Rs. 500 through internet banking or online transfer through bank challan form (Habib Bank Account No. 0042-7900-0843-03, United Bank Account No. 2255-9255-1 (MCA) and For PUCIT: (HBL) Account No. 00427991775503
  3. Scan all the required documents and the bank paid original computerized slip or challan
  4. Now fill up the online form and upload all the required documents
  5. Make sure you have filled the form correctly before clicking on submitting online button

[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]PU Apply Online[/button]

Punjab University Admission Schedule

Yet I have written all the information relating to the Punjab university admission schedule 2025 last date morning, an evening for BS BBA BFA BCom BBIT MA, and MSc. Hope you are eligible and will meet the merit list. For taking any further information or update you can leave your comment in the following commenting section. We will reply to you further updates instructions about all your queries that are very necessary for a newcomer.