Punjab Police Integrated Command Control Constable DC Jobs 2025 Advertisement

Punjab Police Integrated Command Control Constable DC Jobs 2025 Advertisement: Jobs opportunities are available for the suit able candidates for constables in integrated command control constables DC department. The department is looking to hire the energetic, motivated, honest, educated and hardworking candidates for the required posts or positions. The applications are invited only for the candidates who are living in Lahore district. The department is welcome to the civil candidates as well as retired officers for the required post. The complete requirements for the civil candidates and retired officer candidates are available in this article which is mentioned in the following steps. Age limitations, eligibility criteria and merit are also announced by the department and are consider able during selection.

Punjab Police Integrated Command Control Constable DC Jobs 2025 Advertisement

Requirements for civil candidates:

  • The complete requirements such as height, chest size, age, address or district and running speed etc. for the civil candidates are mentioned in the below given job advertisement.
  • That entire candidate who is interested in civil application must see the clearly required requirements in the advertisement image.
  • The complete educational descriptions for the civil candidates are also described in the advertisement image.

Requirements for retired officer candidates:

  • Height, chest size, address, and educational ability are same for the retired officer candidates.
  • Age limitations are different for retired officer candidates and these are also mentioned in the advertisement image.
  • For further detail you can also check the below given job advertisement image.

How to apply for Punjab Police Integrated Command Control Constable DC Jobs 2025:

  • Applications and information are avail able in the Qurban Line Lahore office.
  • Applicants will send their application forms along with relevant documents on the given below address.
  • There is no relaxation in age, height, education and chest size for all the candidates.
  • Already Government and semi government employers can also apply applications but they will send their applications through proper channel.
  • Following is the reserved quota by the government of Punjab:

Minorities 5%

Women 15%

Retired officer 10%

  • Incomplete or incorrect applications will not be prefer able.
  • Only those candidates will be call for interview whose applications will be completed.
  • Written test and interview would be held on the police training college Lahore.
  • Department is allowed to change the advertisement info without any notice.

Last Date for Punjab Police Integrated Command Control Constable DC Jobs 2025:

The last date for the submission of form is 03 AUG, 2025.

Punjab Police Integrated Command Control Constable DC Jobs 2025 Advertisement


Police training centre Qurban line Lahore.