Punjab Government Ramzan Office Timings Duration 2025 Holidays Notification

Here we are providing you the Punjab Government Ramzan office timings duration 2025 holidays notification. All government employees from different public departments or those who are doing jobs in banks will follow the following time schedule during Ramadan in Pakistan. This year because of the coronavirus lockdown Ramadan timing is a bit changed with strict SOPs. Every staff will come to the office following complete strict SOPs for repelling the virus. They will use Masks, sanitize their hands, and there are lots of benefits which one has to read in the Ramadan office timing in Punjab during Ramzan 2025 notification.

 Ramzan month 2025 is starting on 14th April 2025 Wednesday. Ramzan month’s importance is very high under the eyes of Muslims due to Allah and the last prophet SAWW blessing. This month is the ideal month for all Muslims because Allah’s Pak blessing is increasing for Muslims. Now here we are sharing one important notification for all government jobs holders who want to know their Ramzan office timing. This month Ramzan is starting in April month so every government employee wants to get information about the Punjab Government Ramzan Office Timings Duration 2025 Holidays Notification.

Punjab Government Ramzan Office Timings Duration 2025 Holidays Notification

The Cabinet Secretariat Establishement Division Punjab Government Ramzan office timings duration 2025 holidays notification has issued. Now all the public departments will remain open during 10AM to 4PM and during friday the time will be squized between 10AM to 1PM noon. Ramzan is starting from 14 April and the furhter dtails about your job timings during Ramzan are written below.

Punjab Government Ramzan Office Timings Duration 2025 Holidays Notification

Punjab Government Ramzan Office Timings:

Offices working on 5 Days a week

Days Timing
Monday to Thursday 10: 00 AM to 04: 00 PM
Friday 10:00 Am to 01: 00 Pm

Offices working on 6 Days a week

Days Timing
Monday to Thursday and Saturday 10: 00 AM to 03: 00 PM
Friday 10:00 Am to 01: 00 Pm

So the above-given date and time for offices during the holy month of Ramadan are must be followed by each office. If you are a government servant then make sure your office is must following the following time duration for their office timings during this Ramadan. In case of any complaint or query, you can directly contact the concerned department.

What Orders About COVID-19 SOPs:

As we are all well aware that the third wave of coronavirus is very dangerous than its previous waves. So all we have to just take very good care of ourselves and of course to the others. The orders about COVID-19 SOPs are the use of masks is a must for each and every one. Use hand sanitizers, maintain a handsome distance of up to 6 feet while talking to someone, and there are lots of restrictions that we have to follow to keep ourselves safe from this life-threatening disease.

Hence the complete details about Punjab Government Ramzan Office Timings Duration 2025 Holidays Notification are written here. Hope you have taken all the updates relating to your searching topics. But in case of taking any further updates, you can leave comments in the following comments section.