Pakistan Petroleum Limited PPL Special Trainee Engineer, Diploma Holders NTS Test Result 2025 3rd April can be checked online from this page. In the last month PPL offer On job training Opportunity as Special Trainee Engineer and Special Trainee Diploma Holder on 2 year Contract Basis so all the applicants who are eligible according to the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the job advertisement submit their application form to the National testing service NTS before 14th march as 14th march is the date to apply for this test. The candidates who have applied for the Pakistan Petroleum Limited PPL Special Trainee engineer will have to appear in the GAT A test and other candidates who applied for the PPL Special Trainee Diploma Holder will have to appear in the NTS NAT – IE test. It is compulsory for all the candidates to appear in the NTS written test well must say that not just to appear but also get passing marks. In the PPL Trainee Jobs Advertisement it is motioned that the required passing marks in the NTS written test is the 40 marks out of 100. So if you are able to pass out this NTS written test then you will be selected otherwise you know the rest.
According to the officials PPL Special Trainee Engineer, Diploma Holders NTS Test will be conducted on this Sunday 3rd April and after that here on this page you all will be able to view the PPL Special Trainee Engineer, Diploma Holders NTS Test result but it require some time. Before the Announcement of the NTS test result the officials of the National Testing Service NTS will announce Pakistan Petroleum Limited PPL Special Trainee Engineer, Diploma Holders NTS Test Answer Keys. The benefits of this announced answer Keys are that you can predict your NTS written test result even before the announcement of the officials.
PPL Special Trainee Engineer, Diploma Holders NTS Test Result 2025 3rd April
Organization Name: PPL Special Trainee Engineer, Diploma Holders
NTS Test Date : 3rd April 2025
NTS Test Day: Sunday
NTS Test Start Time : Mentioned in Roll No Slip
NTS Test Answer Keys: Not Announced
NTS Test Result : Not Announced