Police Station Assistant Jobs CTS Test Sample Paper, MCQs Pattern

Download Police Station Assistant Jobs CTS test sample paper, MCQs pattern, and model paper in PDF. The last date for submission of the application form was 17 October 2025. Now the Candidate Testing Service CTS will conduct an entry test. This test is very important for eligible candidates to pass. The reason behind this is if anyone who will pass this test will be called for the interview. While those who will fail in this test will be rejected to proceed for any further update. Punjab Police senior station assistant test sample paper is available in PDF format.

We have a past paper of Police Station Assistant that was obtained in the previous sessions. Candidates can take help from these past papers to prepare for their tests. How many questions will be drawn and their marks, as well as the test importance, are discussed through this page. Officials will shortlist the passing candidates and shortlisted candidates will be that one who passes the entry test. Shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview that is the final step of the appointment.

Police Station Assistant Jobs CTS Test Sample Paper, MCQs Pattern

Central Testing Service is going to conduct the entry test for police station assistant and senior station assistant posts. There is a total of 702 posts are for police station assistant, and 143 posts are for senior police assistant. The test is based on the Multiple Choice Question (MCQs) that includes the verbal logic, analytical, as well as the quantities questions.

Police Station Assistant Jobs CTS Test Sample Paper, MCQs Pattern

  • Test Date: Not yet confirmed
  • Time to Attempt Test: 1.5 hour
  • English Typing Test: 35 Words Per Minute
  • Urdu Typing: 25 Words Per Minute

How to Prepare the CTS Test?

For preparing for the Police Station Assistant jobs test, you will have to download the sample paper. We are providing you the analytical, verbal, quantitative, Islamiyat, General Knowledge, and English. Each subject contains content weightage which a candidate has to secure.


Quantitative Sample Paper For CTS Police Station Assistant Test


Analytical Reasoning Sample Paper For CTS Test


Verbal Test Sample Paper For Police Station Assistant

Hence the complete details about Police Station Assistant Jobs CTS Test Sample Paper, MCQs Pattern are written on this page. You just need to stay in tune with this page. As soon as we are taking any further update from the Candidate Testing Service (CTS) will be uploaded here. Or in case if you have any suggestions or query you can also send your comment in the following commenting section.