Merit List 2025-2021 Private Medical Colleges

This page is about merit list 2025-2021 private medical colleges MBBS and BDS admissions in Punjab. Pakistan Medical Council PMC has taken the national medical test on 15 November 2025. Students shave attempt this test for taking admission to any public or private medical college in Punjab province. If anyone who will pass this test will be listed on the merit list. If you see that your name is existing on the merit list you will be called for the interview along with your original documents. If you will see that you are eligible then you will be enrolled for admission.

Pakistan Medical Council PMC merit list 2025 for private medical colleges in Punjab. Those who will pass this test will be enrolled with the MBBS or BDS admissions. Previously this test was taken by the UHS University of Health Sciences. But now due to the equivalency issued all over the provinces, the government of education Pakistan planned to design a single council that will hold all medical educational activities all over Pakistan. So that is why now it is necessary for the students to pass the PMC NMDCAT and get appeared on the merit list. Merit List 2025-2021 Private Medical Colleges

Pakistan Medical Council PMC official’s website will announce the merit list for MBBS and BDS admissions to private medical colleges in Punjab. You have to stay in tune and we are making sure to all of you that as soon as the PMC merit list 2025 is announced will be uploaded here on this page. We wish you all the best and hoping for the best for you. Merit List 2025-2021 Private Medical Colleges

PMC Merit List Date Schedule 2025:

The National Medical and Dental Colleges Admission Test NMDCAT was held on 15 November 2025. This year a huge number of students appeared in this test. And now we are telling you that the official website merit list 2025-2021 for private medical colleges will be uploaded here. You have to follow the following date schedule.

Activity Last Date
PMC National MDCAT 15 November 2025
Application Deadline for Private Medical and Dental Colleges 19 January 2025
Announcement of Merit list of Private Medical Dental Colleges 24 January 2025

How to Get PMC Merit List 2025:

From 24 January onwards the PMC merit list 2025 for MBBS and BDS will start appearing on this page. You will do the following procedure for downloading the merit list as well as to get the final admission enrollment.

  • The concerned college in which you will apply will send you a call letter for an interview
  • At the time of the interview, you will bring the original documents along with you
  • If any candidate wants to change her/ his college will have to submit an affidavit of RS. 25/-
  • In case of any admission form or document proved to be wrong at the time of the interview, the officials will reject that candidate strictly

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Hence we have told you all about merit list 2025-2021 private medical colleges is written on this page. We hope you have taken all details for which you are searching online. Incase of any further details you can leave comments in the following comments section. We wish you all the best and never miss the date schedule for submission of your fees.