If you want to know the insight information related with the PHSA Peshawar General Nursing Diploma, Midwifery Course NTS Result 2025 16th September, then you have finally reached at the right destination. Getting through this blog post we are all here in letting you know about the complete set of information about the results 2025 arrival for the PHSA Peshawar general test 2025. As we all know that so many applicants have appeared in the test, so many of them are much interested to know that when the confirmed date of the results announcement will be declared. Well the final date has been all announced! 16th September 2025 is the final date for the course NTS test results 2025 declaration. All the students who appeared in the test they should get ready because very soon the results will be announced and hence the students can carry out with the further set of the studies in this field.
Introduction about PHSA Peshawar:
PHSA Peshawar is one of the reputable departments of Health that is working under the supervision of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is all aimed as to improve the health of the most vulnerable group of our community adding with the mother and child through a series of programs.
PHSA Peshawar General Nursing Diploma, Midwifery Course NTS Result 2025 16th September
These programs hence on the whole encompass preventive, and yet with the promotive and curative aspects of the healthcare form of the delivery system for the sake of the disease prevention and its control, health education, nutrition through the medium of the provision of comprehensive EmONC services that is all the more focusing Mother and Child. It is much important as to bring closer the achievement of the desired goals and objectives of the Department of Health KPK that is merely made possible all through the help of the highly qualified trained and dedicated human resource. This department has been playing the major role in terms of producing the desired workforce in the form of highly committed Lady Health Visitors who had on the whole proven to overcome all the difficulties in the line of duty with the means of the resolve and devotion.
We hope that after checking out the details on PHSA Peshawar General Nursing Diploma, Midwifery Course NTS Result 2025 16th September you will not be missing out to get yourself tune into this webpage. Signed in it now!