Pakistan Engineering PE Congress Scholarship 2025 apply online BS MS last date advertisement is given here. If you are studying in the first year of the graduate or MS engineering program in any public university then you are eligible for this studentship. Officials have set a total of 200 scholarships to be distributed among 100-BS and 100-MS students. There are some terms and conditions which you have to fulfill and I am writing on this page. You are also informed that never get late from the last date because any form received after the last date will be rejected and will not be entertained for any further hiring procedure.
Table of Contents
Pakistan Engineering Congress is working since 1912. It is the oldest engineering body in Pakistan which was previously named as Punjab Engineering Congress but later its services were broadened all over Pakistan. This department is offering lots of interesting benefits for students. They are also doing research works and providing students. This time the Pakistan engineering congress BS MS scholarship 2025 are announced which are very beneficial for you. Just keep on reading this article and never ignore it if you are eligible or not as per the following instructions.
PE Congress Scholarship 2025 Apply Online BS MS Last Date Advertisement
Pakistan Engineering Congress Scholarship for BS and MS are lying vacant since 15 November 2025. Male and Female students can apply after checking if they are eligible or not. If you will see that you are meeting the eligibility then you will be entertained with this program while the others will be a failure to proceed.
PEcongress Scholarship Eligibility Criteria:
It is necessary for the students to meet the PE congress scholarship eligibility criteria.
- Those students who are enrolled in BS or MS engineering first-year program in any registered engineering university
- A male or female student whose previous educational record is not less than 75% or below ¾ CGPA
- Fill up the application form with correct information because any information proved to be wrong will be treated as a rejected candidate
- Must attach the required document with your application form
- Never get late from the last date i.e. 15 November 2025
How to Apply Online pecongress Scholarship?
If you are meeting with the above eligibility criteria then you have to do the following procedure to apply online pccongress scholarship 2025. Remember that your correct application, the last date, and the information you have provided will be treated as proceeding candidates.
- Candidate have to apply online either for BS or MS (separate applications) link given below
- After submitting the application form for Pakistan Engineering Congress Scholarship 2025, you will have to print out the form and send it to the following address
- While you are sending the form you will have to attach the following documents with is
Required Documents:
- Attested Copies of CNIC & University ID Card
- Attested Copies of Last Examination Result Cards mentioning CGPA/%age & duration of the semester
- Bonafide certificate from the university that he/she may not avail of any other scholarship from any source etc.
- Attested copies of B.Sc, F.Sc & Matric Certificates
- Attested Copy of Salary Certificate/Slip/pension slip of all earning family members
- Statement of purpose
- Any other relevant document (s) necessary to support your application
- Domicile certificate
[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”httpss://” icon=”” target=”true”]BS Application Form[/button]
[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”httpss://” icon=”” target=”true”]MS Application Form[/button]
Khaqan Butt, Scholarship Coordinator, Pakistan Engineering Congress
PEC Building, (4th Floor), 97-A/D-1 Liberty Market, Gulberg III, Lahore
Pakistan Engineering PE Congress Scholarship 2025 apply online BS MS last date advertisement is all written here on this page. I hope you are all now well aware of the details about it. Stay in tune with this page for taking any further details. You can also use the comments section for taking any further queries relating to this scholarship.