Now check the online Pakistan Forest Institute PFI Peshawar NTS admission test result 2025 25th October. results for the PFI admission test result will be announced very soon on this page. The admissions advertisement was released in September. The last date for submission of the admission form was 5 October and now all eligible candidates will be going through an entrance test on 25 October. If you also have applied then you must be aware of the importance of this test. According to the rules and regulations of enrollment procedure, it is necessary for all the students to pass this entry test. Those who will pass this entry test will be entertained into the merit list and those who will be shortlisted for the merit list will be called for the interview and final selection.
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Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar PFI is working since 1947. The main purpose of this fieldwork is to retain the natural resources for the improvement of the environment. Forests are the best resources for taking fresh oxygen mixed air. It helps us to breathe easily and live a healthy life. And when a nation is healthy that can perform better in all the fields of work. And if you also want to study forestry then your admission in PFI Peshawar must be confirmed after passing its entry test.
Pakistan Forest Institute PFI Peshawar NTS Admission Test Result 2025 25th October
On Sunday 25 October and the National Testing Service has taken the entry test for PFI Peshwar MSc and BSc forestry admissions. All those students who have attempted this test can check now the PFI Peshawar NTS admission test result 2025 by roll number and CNIC number. We are telling you about when the result is coming and how you can find the outcomes online.
When is NTS PFI Test Result Coming?
The test was taken on Sunday 25 October and now we are telling you about when Pakistan Forest Institute PFI Peshawar NTS Admission 25th October test result is coming. Now the thing is that the result will be announced after recent to ten days of the answer keys. First of all the officials will announce the answer keys on the next day of the test. These keys contain the answers to all the questions. So a candidate can estimate what will be the result for their test they have attempted in the examination hall.
How To Check Result?
As soon as the NTS announced the test result for the Pakistan Forestry Institute (PFI) Peshawar, it will be uploaded here on this page. You will be able to get the outcomes as per the following information and method.
- ASAP the result is announced a link will be uploaded on this page
- You can click on that link to explore it on a new page where you can enter your roll number or CNIC number
- Candidates we are providing you the comments below on which you can enter your CNIC
A very easy procedure is attached to Pakistan Forest Institute PFI Peshawar NTS Admission Test Result 2025 25th October download method. Yes, applicants will search and download their test results through CNIC Number by NTS official website result platform page.
Merit list pfi AP muja bachdoo plz