Pakistan Army Ranks and Salary 2025

Get the list of Pakistan Army ranks and salary 2025 insignia badges for males and females. Pakistani nationality holders can join Pak Army after matric, inter, bachelor, and also with medical, dental, and nursing studies. Hiring is made up according to the ranks category such as the first category is commissioned-officer and the second category is non-commissioned-officer. There are also some other CCD ranks insignia which are also discussed in this article. Here one more important thing I would like to share with you is, all the commissioned rank officers will pin their badge on their shoulders, while the non-commissioned rank officer will pin their badge on the arm and the other CCD personals will pin their badge on their chest.

The officer rank in Pakistan Army starts with the post of second lieutenant and the most senior officer rank is field marshal. Similarly, the non-officer rank in Army starts with Sepoy or Lance Naik and the most senior post will be Subedar-Major/ Risaldar-major. Now the detailed information regarding Pakistan Army salary 2025 with ranks is written down. Just keep on reading this article and get further details which are very important for all of you.

Pakistan Army Ranks and Salary 2025 Insignia Badges

If you are going to join the Pakistan Army, you must be aware of ranks and salary. Each rank has its own eligibility and the salary package also vary post to post and time a candidate has spent with this armed force of Pakistan. By reading this article, you will get the list of All Pakistan Army ranks and salary 2025 commissioned and non-commissioned.

Pakistan Army Ranks and Salary 2025 Insignia Badges

Pakistan Army Ranks 2025:

As I have told you in the above passage that the ranks have two categories; the officers rank (commissioned) and non-officer rank (non-commissioned). So the posts rank for both these categories is written below.

  • Officer Rank (Commissioned Officer):

Second Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier, Major General, Lieutenant General, General, Field Marshal are the commissioned officer ranks. Their insignia is presented below which will guide you in a better sense.

Pakistan Army Ranks Badges

  • Non-Officer Rank (Non-Commissioned Officer)

Naib Subedar, Subedar, Subedar major, Lance Naik, Naik, Havildar, Company Quartermaster, Company Havildar Major, Battalion Quartermaster Havildar, and Battalion Havildar major are the nonofficer rank (non-commissioned officer) in Pakistan Army.

Non Officer Rank Non-Commissioned Officer

Pakistan Army Salary 2025 With BPS Scale:

Now the Pakistan Army salary 2025 with BPS scale has listed in the following table. And we are informing all of you that each position and its corresponding salary package vary on the experience of a candidate. Such as if you are a newly hired Second Lieutenant then your starting salary will be in the circle of Rs. 40, 000/- per month. While the starting salary in non-commissioned officer ranks is the circle of Rs. 30, 000/- per month. The salary package increases with the time duration and the rank grade you will chase with the passage of time span.


Pay Scales

Field Marshal: 5 stars BPS- Apex scale
General: 4 stars BPS- Apex scale
Lieutenant General :3 stars  BPS 22
Major General: 2 stars BPS -21
Brigadier: 1 star BPS- 20
Colonel BPS- 19
Lieutenant Colonel BPS-18
Major BPS- 18
Captain BPS -17
Lieutenant BPS-17
2nd Lieutenant BPS-17
Subedar-Major BPS- 16
Subedar BPS- 15
Naib Subedar BPS -13 or 14
Battalion Havaldar Major BPS-11 or 9
Battalion Quartermaster Havildar BPS 11 or 9
Company Havildar Major BPS 11or 9
Company Quartermaster Havildar BPS-11 or 9
Havaldar BPS- 7 or 8
Naik BPS-7 or 6
Lance Naik BPS- 6
Soldier BPS-5

Also Check: How to Join Pakistan Army After Matric 10th Class

Pakistan Army Ranks and Salary 2025:

Hence, I have written a detailed article on Pakistan Army Ranks and Salary 2025 insignia badges and BPS rank. I am hoping that you have obtained all of what you were searching for online. But still, if you have any queries or confusion and want to get resolved them, you can leave your comment below. We will guide you all about the Pakistan Army salary package, its rank, and badges for officers and non-officer posts. Further, you can also share your suggestions relating to joining this armed based military force of Pakistan.