Pakistan agriculture research council PARC NTS test result 2025 7th February will be announced on official website Pakistan agriculture council held different posts for Himalayan adaptation, water & resilience (hi-aware) research on glacier and snow pack dependent river basin for improving livelihood through national testing service-Pakistan (NTS). These different category of 10 posts of Pakistan agriculture research council NTS which is climate change economic specialist, gender and climate change expert, climate change adaptation specialist, watershed management specialist, horticulturist, computer programmer / GIS /, accounts cum admin officer, office assistant / computer assistant, technical assistant.
National testing service (NTS) required highly qualified and competitive candidates. Candidates would search there result of Pakistan agriculture research council (NTS) with their national identity card or other option is by name with their father name. Most of candidates want their result before the result announced so these applicant candidates’ visit and click for the answer keys. Answer key judge the candidates result before the official result of national testing service (NTS).
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council PARC Up gradation of Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI), Level of Arid Zone Research Centre (AZRC)
- Senior Scientific Officer
- Accounts Officer
- Scientific Officer
- Laboratory Technician
- Sub Engineer (Civil)
- Technician (Mechanical)
- Scientific Assistant – II
- Farm Attendant
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council PARC Research for Agricultural Development Program Jobs
- DY Project Director
- Programmer (MIS)
- Sub Engineer
- Scientific Editor
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Promotion of Olive Cultivation on Commercial Scale in Pakistan Jobs
- Manager Finance
- Senior Scientific Officer
- Scientific Officer / Field Officer
- Field Supervisor
- Associate Engineer
- PA to NPD
- Field Facilitator
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council PARC NTS Test Result 2025 7th February
Pakistan agriculture research council PARC is conducted test to highly post for qualified candidates. Shortlisted candidates will appear for interview after the result on 20257th February. All applicants will check their result on 7th February Sunday with write their roll number. After this result wait all candidates for interview calls for their different posts of Pakistan agriculture research council.
These types of all highly tests were take national testing service (NTS). All test result are monitoring national testing service and result maintains for these posts.
Organization Name: Pakistan agriculture research council
NTS Test Date: 7th February
NTS Test Day: Sunday
NTS Test Start Time:Â Mentioned in Roll No Slip
NTS Test Answer Keys:Â Not Announced
NTS Test Result:Â Not Announced