Lahore College for Women University LCWU Lahore BS, MA, MS merit list 2025 1st, 2nd, 3rd online will be uploaded here. LCWU admission fall 2025-2021 has closed on 7th October last date. Now the officials will conduct the entry test from 11 to 14 October for bachelor’s programs. After taking the entry test, officials will release the LCWU merit list for undergraduate, masters, and postgraduate. If you also have appeared in this test, just be in tune to check entry test result lists. Only those who will be listed on these lists will be called for the interview. When you are going for the interviews, you must bring the original documents along with you. Officials will check your documents for verification. But all this is now depending on your merit list that is shown below.
Students if you applied your admission application form for LCWU BS, MA, MS admission programs then yes you are at the right place for the merit list. Here we are sharing the merit list online for all program admissions applicants. Students Merit list issue dates schedule has released officially and available here below. Just stay with this page so that you can be aware of the details that are very important for the graduates to meet. Keep on reading and scroll down this page to get further information.
LCWU Lahore BS, MA, MS Merit List 2025 1st, 2nd, 3rd Online
Lahore College For Women University LCWU Lahore merit list for BS, MA, MS, and PGDT will be upload here. The last date for submission of admission form was 7th October. Entry test for BS programs held between 11 to 14 October and the merit list will be uploaded as per the schedule below. You just need to stay with this page so that you can obtain the latest updates by merit list.
When is LCWU Merit List Coming?
As I have told to all of you that the officials have announced the LCWU merit list schedule. All the students will be able to download the lists in PDF from this page. We are sharing the details in tabular form and will bring the latest updates as soon as the officials announced it.
- LCWU BS Merit List Date Schedule
Display of 1st Merit list BS (Open Merit) | 26-10-2020 (Monday) at 4:00 p.m. |
Display of 2nd Merit list BS (Open Merit) | 02-11-2020 (Monday) at 4:00 p.m. |
Display of Merit list BS (Reserved Seats) | 05-11-2020 (Thursday) at 4:00 p.m. |
Commencement of Classes | 10-11-2020 (Tuesday) |
- LCWU MS Merit List Date Schedule
List of Eligible Candidates for Written Test | 06-10-2020 (Tuesday) at 04:00 p.m. |
Display of Merit List | 21-10-2020 (Wednesday) at 04:00 p.m. |
Display of Merit List (reserved seats) | 23-10-2020 (Friday) at 04:00 p.m. |
Commencement of MS Classes | 10-11-2020 |
- LCWU PhD Merit List Date Schedule
List of Eligible Candidates for Written Test | 06-10-2020 (Tuesday) at 04:00 p.m. |
Written Test | Written Test 07-10-2020 (Wednesday) at 9:00 a.m. |
List of eligible candidates for interview | 13-10-2020 (Tuesday) at 04:00 p.m. |
Interview of candidates | 14-10-2020 (Wednesday) at 09:00 a.m. |
Display of Merit List | 21-10-2020 (Wednesday) at 04:00 p.m. |
Commencement of Ph.D. Classes | 10-11-2020 |
Students you can download LCWU Lahore BS, MA, MS Merit Lists 2025 merit list. As soon as the officials announced the LCWU merit list will be uploaded here on this page. Just be in tune with this page and follow the schedule. If you have any confusion or query relating to this announcement you can leave your comment in the following commenting section. We will reply to you as soon as officials released it. So comment below and wait until the merit list for the BS MA and MS programs is announced.