National Testing Service NTS KPK SST test result 2025-2021 answer keys for Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th January test. A few weeks ago Elementary and secondary education department Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa offered different SST vacancies for eligible candidates. According to officials SST Biology/Chemistry, SST Physics/ Math, SST General, SST.IT and PTS Primary School teacher vacancies are offering for applicants. If you had applied for Secondary School Teacher SST jobs latest by 30 November 2025 and also have attempted its test on 9th and 10th January 2025 then here we are suggesting you stay in tune to find NTS KPK SST test result and answer keys.
Table of Contents
Khyber Pakhtunkhawa KPK Elementary and Secondary Education Department (ESED) written test for SST posts (BPS-16) held on 9th and 10th January 2025. Hundreds of students have appeared in this test. It is necessary for all the students to attempt this test and to pass it with a minimum of 50% marks. if anyone who will fail in this test will be rejected to call for any further hiring. We are telling you about when the result will be announced and how you can check the outcomes. We are also telling you about the answer keys and what are these keys means for your test result.
NTS KPK SST Test Result 2025-2021 Answer Keys 9th 10th January
National Testing Service has taken the written test for the KPK Secondary Schools Teachers SST test on 9th and 10th January 2025. If you have attempt this test then stay in tune with this page to get the NTS KPK SST test reult 2025-2021 anwer keys by CNIC number for the following job posts.
Available Posts:
- Biology and Chemistry SST Teacher
- Physics and Mathematics SST Teacher
- General Science SST Teacher
- IT SST Teacher
NTS KPK SST Test Result 2025-2021:
You are informed that the officials have not announced the NTS KPK SST Test Result 2025-2021 by CNIC. But it will be announced within seven to ten days. As soon as the result is announced will be available here. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Elementary Secondary Education department mostly vacancies are offering through NTS authority. These vacancies written test is base on NTS authority till result announcement procedure. Just stay with us and soon we will update a link for you. You will click on that link and it will be explored on a new page where you will enter your CNIC number to check the outcomes.
Test Date: Saturday 9 January and Sunday 10 January 2025
NTS KPK SST Test Answer Keys 2025-2021:
It is to be informed to all of you that the NTS KPK SST test answer keys 2025-2021 for the 9th and 10th January test will be uploaded on the next day on 12 January. You can send your CNIC and name in the comments to find the outcomes. Through Answer keys, you can easily understand the upcoming result ideas through self-exam evaluation. KPK PST, SST NTS result issue procedure is on delay because NTS is taking a long time for result announcement. Remember through the download procedure you can easily understand your job future as SST or PTS professional.
You will open the NTS website for NTS KPK SST Test Result 2025-2021 answer Keys 9th 10th January check and download procedure. KPK SST jobs NTS answer keys will issue on the next day of the test while the result will be announced within seven to ten days. We wish you all the best for this job hiring.
Kindly share the answer keys for yesterday’s SST biology,chemistry test
We are soon updating this page for it stay with us
madem when you upload sst general answer keys bps 16 please reply me
Sst results plz
A.O.A SIR! SST k result kb announce hongay , test date 9 jan 2025 1:30 pm……… kindly reply …….waiting