Download KPK AT, TT, CT-IT, Qari ETEA test roll no slip 2025-2023 test dates online announced. Elementary and Secondary Education Department ESED NMDs announced the jobs in November 2025 and now they are going to announce the roll number slip for taking the entry test. It is necessary for all the students to attempt the entry test along with their roll no slips. If anyone who will not bring the slip along with, will not be allowed to enter the examination hall. And anyone who will not attempt the entry test or anyone who will be failed in the entry test will be rejected to proceed with any further hiring procedure on this job post. So keep these important instructions in mind and scroll down this page for more updates.
Table of Contents
A few days back in November 2025 the ETEA offered CT, DM, PET, TT, AT, Qari, and Primary School Teacher PST on the basis of SSC, BA, BSC, B.Ed, M.phill, and Ph.D. These teachers’ KPK jobs are offered through the Education Testing and Evaluation Agency (ETEA). If you also have applied to this job and now want to download the ETEA roll number slip for KPK ESED jobs then you have to stay in tune. We are providing you a link below which you can click to explore on a new page. Remember that if any candidate will not bring the roll no slip will be rejected to proceed for any further update.
KPK AT, TT, CT-IT, Qari ETEA Test Roll No Slip 2025-2023 Test Dates Online
Khyber Pakhtunkhawa KPK AT, TT, CT-IT, Qari ETEA test roll no slip has been announced by CNIC number and roll no. You must bring the roll number slip along with you to show to the officials for verification. If anyone will not bring the original documents will be rejected to proceed. So keep on reading this page and keep on visiting to click on the link for downloading the slip.
KPK ESED Jobs Posts:
- AT
- TT
- DM
KPK government is giving its complete focus on the education system, health, and police reforms. Well here we are giving KPK government Elementary and Secondary Education District Bannu department Male jobs 2025 ETEA written test roll number slips.
When ESED Roll No Slip:
The officials of the Education Testing and Evaluation Authority (ETEA) have not yet announced the date and time for the announcement of the ESED roll no slip 2025-2023. But as soon as the KPK AT, TT, CT-IT, and Qari ETEA test roll no slip is announced will be uploaded here. You will have two options to download it; by CNIC and by name. So you have to stay in tune with this page and as soon as the roll no slip is announced will be uploaded here on this page.
Well, for Applicants for these vacancies ETEA written test will conduct by ETEA Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency. This page is giving KPK PST, CT, PET, DM, AT, TT ETEA Test Roll No Slip 2025 for exam appearance. ETEA roll number slip will issue on the website and you will search for this roll number slip through CNIC number entrance searching. If you want to get KPK AT, TT, CT-IT, Qari ETEA test roll no slip 2025-2023 test dates online then visit this website for other posts.
Salam sir g mujy roll number show Mary bohoot mehrabani ho gi
Assalamoalikum wrwb
I haven’t get my roll number slip yet of PST. Kindly send to my roll number slip
The PST Cadre roll number slip not yet issued, kindly sent me on my email.
Salam sir mujhy nts ka koi msg nhi aata aur main 2025 main pst aur DM k kiye aplly kea hai plz send me roll number slip
Please Sir send me roll number
Sir plz send roll no slip of PST nts test
Aoa. Sir mujy ct ka rol numbers slip send Kary. .
Please send me my roll no slip
Jahanzaib Abbasi
Salam Dear Sir,
Sir Kindly email my CT & PST roll no slip 2018.
Waheed Alam
sir please send me my rool number slip. this is my roll number 1722000202
sir plz send me roll number slip
I have appliedvfor pst but not yet recieved my roll no..plz confirm.
sir roll no slip ct ka fozia 1120205826154
Dear Sir,
plz sent me roll no slip of pst my cnic no and name as under.
name:Ayesha sameenullah
cnic no: 1730165655192
Sir plz send me roll num slip
please send my roll no sir,
plz sir send method how can i download roll no slip …pst
Name Hazrat Muhammad S/o Jehan bakht
Sir plz mjy rol no snd kr dyn
Ct ka roll nmbr slip Ni mila pls inform
Sir, plz send me pst roll No sllip and test date
Plz send me pst roll no slip
Plz send me CT roll no. Slip
The PST Cadre roll number slip not yet issued, kindly sent me on my email.