If you are searching for the KPK PST, CT, PET, DM, AT, TT ETEA Test Result 2025 ESED Jobs then this page will be your best source. Here you could easily get your result online and you can check it by entering your name as well as your roll no. Well as you all know that Elementary and Secondary Education Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KPK has announced the District Cadre jobs for the different teachers last month Now the last date to apply for these jobs are gone that means if you wanted to apply for these jobs then you cannot because now the time has come when all the candidates have to appear in the Written test for selection. The written test is conducted by the National Testing Service ETEA which is a testing agency of Pakistan with headquarter in Islamabad.
Table of Contents
The jobs in the Elementary and Secondary Education Department ESED, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KPK are announced for the Drawing Master (DM), Primary School teacher (PST), Arabic Teacher (AT), PET, CT, and theology Teacher (TT) so now all the candidates who applied for these jobs will appear in the ETEA written test for recruitment of KPK District Cadre Teachers Jobs. Well according to the ETEA the test is taken February 2025 and then the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency ETEA officials will announce the KPK PST, CT, PET, DM, AT, TT ETEA Test Result 2025 and as soon as the officials will declare it you will be able to get it from this page easily.
KPK PST, CT, PET, DM, AT, TT ETEA Test Result 2025 ESED Jobs
Through this page we are sharing the details about Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KPK PST, CT, PET, DM AT, TT ETEA test result for ESED jobs November 2025. The officials of Education Testing and Evaluation Agency (ETEA) are going to conduct the entry test for Elementary and Secondary Education Department ESED KPK teachers jobs test. If you will too attempt this test then here we will upload the result for you.
When ETEA ESED Test Result 2025 Coming?
The officials of the Education Testing and Evaluation Agency ETEA www.etea.edu.pk test result for KPK ESED test held in February 2025 will be announced here. Students have to stay in tune with this page and we are sure that the outcomes will be uploaded here. There is no final date is announced for the announcement but it will take seven to ten days for the announcement. As soon as the result is announced will be uploaded here on this page. We wish all of you to stay in tune with this page and as soon as the KPK PST, CT, PET, DM, AT, TT ETEA test result for ESED jobs are announced will be uploaded here on this page.
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”https://www.pakijobs.pk/kpk-teachers-merit-list-sst-pst-ct-pet-dm-tt-qari-district-wise/” icon=”” target=”true”]KPK Teachers Merit List 2025[/button]
KPK PST, CT, PET, DM, AT, TT ETEA Answer Keys:
The answer keys are announced in the very next few days of the test. These keys contain the answer to each question drawn into the paper. So a candidate can make a better estimate about what his result would be. This test for KPK teachers jobs 2025 is taken from the eligible candidate and we are making sure to all of you that the result is very necessary for you to get qualified for this job post.
Well before the KPK PST, CT, PET, DM, AT, TT ETEA test result 2025 ESED jobs the complete NTS written test Answer Keys will be announced here on this page from these Answer Keys you would be able to predict your result even before the announcement from the officials.
sir when will answers key of pst results will announce
Resulat kub a rha hy 21 novembr ky test ka ya ansewrr keyy kub upload kry gy?
When will announce pet result
PSt result keys
dear sir when published pst reseult,,(islam dir upper)
Sir when will pst answer key announced…………..
Sir ab tk k hoey tests k answer keys site pr dejey pleas
from shangla
When announced pst result inform me by email
sir anser key kb tk jari karngy TT 21 november test k…….
When will annouce pst result answer keys
When will annouce result of PST
When the PET results enounce
when the answer key will ba announce?
Result kab aai ga
When will annouce answer keys
nts PST & TT answer key kab ay ge.
assalam o alaikum.
PST result KB announce hu ga
Answer key .????????
answer key kb announce hon gi plz btaien. Date
Samman Afsar
November 22’2015 at 2:pst
pst post ka result kb announce ho ga
Sir g result kB ay gya
sir answer key kap upload honge …….////////
Answer keys pst nts test 29 november plz upload
when in announced PST result key?(islam dir sharmai)
Answer key kb tk announce ho ghe pst g5 key
Please update 29 nov 2015 tests
kab announce hoga
Sir 28 november wale tast tesult cha heyea plz
28 nov ka kab aye ga result
28 date result kab diya jaiga… answer keysss be nhe.
Kab tk result aaga 29 nuvember 2015 upper dir
Sir 28 november tast answar key kab uploud kary from shangla uc chowga
Sallam sir ” when will answer key announced????
Sir when ‘ll out result both ct & pst?
I’m. Sana sir at answer ky kab annuced hoga
Sir,when will CT answer key announce of 29th Nov..
Sir,when will C.T answer key announce of 29th Nov..
when result annouce then inform me by email
kb tk umeed hai result ki 28th November 2015 D I K
Sir pst ka result kab aye ga
When ll pst result29 annaunaced
sir PST ka result kB annoc hoga.from lakki marwat
22 Nov PST result kab announce ho ga
At which time the C.T result of NTS held on 29November,2015 on Sunday will be announced
Sir ct nts kpk ki merit list kb lage gi
PST 28 November ka result kb announce hoga kpk
please display results of 12&22 november kpk teachers
Result kab announce hoga
ct or ptc ka nts result kab announce ho ga
i am talking aout 22 november and 29 november of nts
dear sir plz inform me about merit list of PST BPS12.
Sir when will you announced the merit list of pst 28 nov 2015 of kpk
When will merit list of ct display?kindly inform
Please sir infirm m about cut merit list
Dear sir
when will announce the result of “PST” of KPK
Mardan District.
sir would you want to tell me that when will be the PST merit list announced
merit list kab issue ho ga
Merit list kb lagy ga PST 28 November kpk
when will pst merit list announce of kpk
merit list kab laga ge
Koi bata dy PST 28 Nov Kpk ka merit list kb lagy ga
When will merit list of ct announce?? Nts hold on 29th novembr
when ll the final merit list of PST KPK be announced??held on 22 november 2015
when will ptc nts test result announce ????
Nts femal marit list kab lagy gi… Exam 2015 me dea tha…
PET test 24 febrary nts result kab anonced hoga
CT Ka test b ly lain naaa ab