On this page, we are uploading the HEC HAT test result 2025 18th October online by the student’s roll number. Higher Education Commission has taken the aptitude test for undergraduate admissions in different groups. Students have attempted this test for Engineering, Medical, Commerce, Computer, and General Science groups. As per the rules and regulations set by the education department of Pakistan, it is mandatory for intermediate students to attempt the HEC HAT test for taking admission to the undergraduate programs. This test result card will be valid for all the public type colleges of Pakistan. Through this test marks, the college concerned authorities prepare the merit list. And only the merit meeting students are entertained with the admission enrollment.
Education Testing Council (ETC) is implementing the rules and regulations for the HEC HAT test 2025. Every year when students from different groups pass intermediate and seek admissions to undergraduate programs are encouraged to attempt this test. If you also have attempted this test on 18 October then we are here to provide you HEC ETC test result and answer keys. So never miss even single information on this page. Just keep on reading and get the latest updates that are necessary for you to read.
HEC HAT Test Result 2025 18th October Online
Higher Education Commission HEC HAT test result for the 18 October test is coming very soon on this page. The official page www.hec.gov.pk ETC result date has not officially confirmed but as soon as it is announced will be available on this page. Read the following updates for this information.
When is HEC ETC Result Coming?
This year the Higher Education Commission has taken the HAT test on Sunday 18 October 2025. This aptitude test is taken in the following groups.
- Engineering Group: HAT-UG-E
- Commerce Group: HAT-UG-I.COM
- General Science Group: HAT-UG-GS
- Computer Science Group: HAT-UG-CS
- Medical Group: HAT-UG-M
Now the thing is when the HEC HAT aptitude test (HAT) result will be prepared by the Education Testing Council (ETC). You are informed that the HEC ETC test result for the HAT aptitude test takes almost a week to announce. But there is nothing confirmed date is available officially online. You must be in tune with this page and leave your comment by roll number and name to get the latest updates.
Hence the complete details about the HEC HAT test result 2025 18th October online by roll number and name. We wish you all the best and hoping that you will be enrolled in your best college.