GC University Faisalabad Professor Jobs 2025 GCUF Advertisement: GC University Faisalabad is a part of the biggest educational institute. GC University Faisalabad is offering career opportunities in July 2025 in different kinds of posts for the suit able candidates. The department is looking to hire the qualified, competent, motivated, innovated, punctual and hardworking candidates for all the required posts. These required posts include lecturer (teaching staff), research officer, assistant, junior clerk, lab attendant, naib qasid (non teaching staff) etc. all these required posts are avail able only on the contract basis and likely to permanent by the good performance of the candidates. Eligibility criteria are also preferable for the selection of the candidates in all the required posts.
GC University Faisalabad Professor Jobs 2025 GCUF Advertisement
Eligibility Criteria:
- GC University Faisalabad is also issued the required eligibility criteria for all the required or given posts or positions.
- The selection would be held only on the basis of the required eligibility criteria.
- The complete eligibility criteria for all the required posts or positions are avail able on the job advertisement which is given below in this page.
- All the candidates who are interested and want to apply application for job first examine the required eligibility criteria and make sure that they are eligible for their desired posts and then must apply application for job.
- If the candidates who are applying are not able or eligible for their desired posts they should not apply application form for job.
- In such case their application will not be acceptable and may be rejected.
How to apply for GC University Faisalabad Jobs 2025:
- Applicants will send their application form from the web site of the university gcuf.edu.pk.
- Candidates will pay their position fee which is suggested by the department and is mentioned in the below given job advertisement.
- Applicants will send their applications along with qualification certificates, experience certificates, a copy of CNIC, domicile and two recent passport size photos.
- The candidates from abroad are also allowed to apply application form for job.
- Already employer can also apply through proper channel.
- Applications after due date will not be accept able.
- Incorrect or incomplete applications will not be accept able.
- The department also reserved 3% quota for disabled persons.
- No TA/ DA are required for test or interview.
- Candidates will come along with their original documents on interview.
Last Date for GC University Faisalabad Jobs 2025:
see GC University Faisalabad Professor Jobs 2025 GCUF Advertisement for last date.