Fazaia Ruth PFAU Medical College Merit List 2025 MBBS

Do you want to get Fazaia Ruth PFAU Medical College Merit List 2025 MBBS programs? Stay with us to get the merit list through NUMS officials. You have taken the National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) MDCAT test on September 2025. Now on this page, we will bring the merit list for all the colleges located in Pakistan and regulating under the PAF supervision. Yes, we are talking about CMH and other medical PAF Medical Crops. You have to just be with us and keep on reading to get further information about what you are finding online about the Fazaia Ruth PFAU medical college MBBS admissions merit list.

Fazaia Ruth PFAU Medical College is working under the supervision of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF). It was established in February and from that time to now this college has produced a large number of well-trained and well-mannered troops in the PDF Air Force of Pakistan. Whenever a student wants to take Admission to this college he has to attempt the NUMS entry test. All the students must pass this test with at least 50% marks to qualify for the merit list. Just be with us and keep on reading to get further information through this page.

Fazaia Ruth PFAU Medical College Merit List 2025 MBBS

From December 2025 onwards we will start uploading the Fazaia Ruth PFAU Medical College merit list. If a student sees his name on this merit list he will be eligible for taking admission to the MBBS program. You just need to stay in tune with this page and we are making sure all of that as soon as the officials announce will be uploaded here on this page.

Fazaia Ruth PFAU Medical College Merit List 2025-2021 MBBS

Merit List Announcement Date:

The officials of the National University of Medical Science (NUMS) have announced the date scheduled for the Fazaia Ruth PFAU Medical College MBBS merit list. If you are also intending to take Admission to this college, you must be aware of the following date schedule. As soon as the officials will announce the merit list it will be uploaded here through this page.

Registration of Application for Admission Starts Update Soon
Last Date of Receipt of Application for Admission Update Soon
Hafiz e Quran Test Update Soon
Display of 1st Merit List Update Soon

How to Take Admission?

If you see that your name exists in the Fazaia Ruth PFAU Medical College Merit List 2025 MBBS, you have to visit the college at the time of the interview along with your original documents. The officials will check out your documents and if you will qualify for the required criteria you will be allowed to submit your fees. And after that officials will get you enrolled for the MBBS 2025 sessions. Hence the complete information regarding this admission is written on this page, You can leave a comment in the following commenting section for any further information, and we will reply to you as soon as possible.