Faisal Movers Timing 2025, Online Booking, Contact Numbers

People want to get information about Faisal Movers Timing 2025, Online Booking, and Contact Numbers so they will reach their destination on time.  Here we are talking about the Faisal Mover bus service complete details regarding fares price, ticket booking, and phone number for contact. If you want to spend your holidays in beautiful cities then yes Faisal Mover Bus service is providing traveling facilities for Kaghan Naran, Gilgit Hunza, Kashmir, Sawat Kalaam, and Murree Galya. If you you don’t know about Faisal Movers Timing 2025, Online Booking, and Contact Numbers then you can read this post.

Faisal Movers Timing 2025

Faisal Movers Ticket Price Lahore To Murree:

City Name Timing Price
Lahore to Murree 5:30am 2150 for Executive and 2450

Faisal Movers Ticket Price Islamabad To Multan:

Timing Price
10:30 AM 1600 for Executives and 1900 for business class
11:00 AM 1600 for Executives and 1900 for business class
11:30 AM 1600 for Executives and 1900 for business class
12:00 PM 1600 for Executives and 1900 for business class

Faisal Movers Ticket Price Karachi To Sukkur:

Timing Price
09:30 AM 6100  for Executives and 7600 for business class
10:00 AM 6100  for Executives and 7600 for business class
11:15 AM 6100  for Executives and 7600 for business class

Faisal Movers Ticket Price Sukkur To Lahore:

Timing Price
18:00 Rs. 2450. Executive
22:00 Rs. 3100. Standard Plus
19:00 Rs. 1550. Executive

If you want to book a bus service for weddings, tourism, and business trip then Faisal Mover Lahore Bus Service is available for all luxury facilities. Faisal Mover Lahore Bus Service is now working in Pakistan all major cities. You can travel through the Faisal Mover bus service at different terminals.

Faisal movers online booking:

You can book your ticket through the below link.

Click Here

You can also get a Faisal Mover Bus ticket call on the Faisal Mover Lahore Bus Service officer numbers and book your ticket according to the departure and arrival schedule. You will collect the ticket 30 minutes before traveling through the Faisal Mover Bus service in Lahore or any other bus terminal.

Mobile: 03 111 22 44 88

UAN: 111 22 44 88

Faisal movers ticket price list:

Ticket price is different from different terminal and is mentioned in the above table for more city ticket prices you can click on the link to book your ticket and get price details. Or contact on the given numbers.

Faisal Movers Head office:

Lahore Terminal near Nizai Bus service Band RoadFaisal Movers Timing 2025, Online Booking, Contact Numbers

Facilities through Faisal Mover lahore Bus Service traveling:

  • Healthy free refreshment food
  • Air conditioner environment
  • Water, Cool drink unlimited facility
  • Safe Journey
  • Comfort seats
  • Time saving

If you want to travel from city to city in Pakistan then different Bus services are available for your traveling choices such as Daewoo Bus Service, Bilal Daewoo, and Faisal Mover Lahore Bus Service.


Readers you have knowledge Niazi Bus service is the oldest bus service in Pakistan. Before Faisal Mover Lahore Bus Service, Daewoo, and Bilal Travelers bus service Niazi bus service group was all in all regarding bus service. This type of bus service was providing very poor services regarding traveling. Time delay problem was a major issue by this type of bus service. now Faisal Mover Lahore Bus Service is available for the best luxury bus service facilities.