ESE Jobs In Punjab 2025-2018 NTS Educators Application Form Download: Teaching profession is a very noble profession. Punjab Government is offered 33 thousands plus jobs for all jobs seekers those who want to get educator jobs. GOVT of Pakistan wants to increase literacy rate and GOVT of Punjab is giving their contribution. In 2025 GOVT of Punjab education department is giving Educators jobs opportunities, people those want to get ESE, ESE science Math jobs they will apply In ESE Jobs In Punjab 2025-2018 through NTS application form procedure. GOVT of Punjab Educators jobs are offering through NTS national testing services department. NTS national testing service department is private organization, this private organization is providing requirements services under the instruction of private and GOVT department.
ESE Jobs In Punjab 2025-2018 NTS Educators Application Form Download
Department Name:
Punjab School Education Department
Posts Names:
ESE, Elementary School Educator for Boys School.
ESE Posts Eligibility Criteria:
- ESE Elementary School Educator posts eligibility Criteria is BA/BSC/BA Honors/ BS HON/ Hon/ HONS and BSC hons passed applicants will apply with NTS application form.
- BSC/BS HONS with 4 years degree passed students also apply in ESE Elementary School Educator posts. BSC/BS honrs must be passed in Agi Engineering and Agriculture major subjects
- Applicants who have BSC/BS 4 years HONS degree in Engineering they will also apply for ESE Punjab 2025-2018 Educator jobs
- Those applicants who are passed their degree in BSEd, MSEd, ADE, B.Ed honors with 4 years degree they also apply in ESE Jobs In Punjab 2025-2018 through NTS national testing department
ESE Science Math Posts Eligibility Criteria for Punjab Educators jobs 2025-2018:
- Those applicants who are passed their degree in MSC, BS with 4 years Honrs program in Physical, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Biology, IT Computer science, Food Technology, Fisheries , Botany, Mtach, Zoology they will apply in ESE Science Educators jobs 2025-2018
- BSC two years in Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Math A, Match B, Physics also apply
- DVM or BSC 4 year in Agriculture or BS/BA Engineering degree pass applicants will also in ESE Jobs In Punjab 2025
How To Apply for ESE Jobs In Punjab 2025-2018 NTS Educators:
- For ESE Jobs download NTS Application form
- For ESE Science/ Match Educators jobs 2025-2018 download Application NTS form
- Submit application processing fee 475 in ABL, UBL, MCB, HBL through Prescribed deposit NTS Slip
- Fill application form and attach all important document and send these all important documents through Post on following address
- Punjab Educators Jobs 2025-2018 Advertisement ESE, SESE, SSE
- Punjab Educators Jobs Application Form 2025-2018
- ESE Jobs In Punjab 2025-2018 NTS Educators
- SESE Jobs in Punjab 2025-2018 Educators NTS
- SSE Jobs In Punjab 2025-2018 NTS Application
- NTS Educators Jobs Advertisement 2025-2018
- National Testing Service Pakistan NTS Headquarter 1-E Street No 46 Sector 1-8/2 Islamabad
Last Date for application form submission:
- 04th December, 2025