Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS Admission Test Result 2025 27 March

Through students can check Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS admission test result 2025 27 March answer keys. Students can find it online by CNIC number and name in PDF format. National Testing Service took Graduate Assessment Test GAT-A/ GAT-B/ GAT-C/ and GAT Subject test. If you have also attempt this test then just be in reading this article. As soon as the official’s CIIT GAT test result is announced will be uploaded here on this page. It is also hereby informed that if anyone who will pass this test will be called for the interview. While if anyone who will pass this test will be listed on the COMSATS Sahiwal graduate merit list. Further updates are written on this page and then just be in tune for taking the further updates which are necessary for you.

 Students those appear on Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS admission test on 27 March, they all can get result through this platform. Comsats Sahiwal CIIT admission opened through NTS. NTS National Testing service organization is a private testing organization that is working for private and government sectors admission or requirements. NTS National Testing service is also providing their services for Comsats Sahiwal CIIT admission. Through Jang Newspaper advertisements Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS Admission advertisements were published a few weeks ago. NTS conducted the Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS Admission Test on 27-03-2021 day.

Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS Admission Test Result 2025 27 March

National Testing Service NTS will be announce the Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS admission test result for 27 March test. All those students who have attempt this test are hereby advised to check this test result through this page. Before the announcement of this test result, the NTS answer keys for CIIT test will be announced. As soon as any further update is released will be updated here on this page.

Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS Admission Test Result 2025 27 March

NTS Answer Keys For CIIT Test:

National Testing Service NTS answer keys for the CIIT test of 27 March will be announced on the next day on Monday 28 March. NTS has taken a special GAT test for Comsats university Sahiwal campus. This page will bring the answer keys first and then will be announced the result as per the details written below. You have to keep on reading this article and just be in tune because as soon as the result is announced will be uploaded here on this page. We wish you all the best for this test which is very important for you to take graduate admissions at COMSATS University.

CIIT Sahiwal NTS Test Result Date:

Comsats Sahiwal CIIT test answer key issued in April after 5 pm and now Comsats CIIT Sahiwal NTS test result date for 27 March will be announced after one week according to NTS result announcement routine schedule. Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS Admission Test done for Undergraduate and graduate programs, students who were interested in admission in Comsats Sahiwal CIIT, appeared on Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS Admission Test. The result announcement date is not exact because many NTS result is still pending.

Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS Admission Test was based on MCQs pattern. The test is very easy according to Students’ feedback. You must have knowledge Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS Admission criteria is written test number and previous educational marks percentage. Students can get results through their NTS roll number. You can also get the roll number through your Name or CNIC. Avail of any option and get online Comsats Sahiwal CIIT NTS admission test result 2025 27 March answer keys.