CMH Bahawalpur Medical College Merit List 2025 MBBS 1st, 2nd

Students, stay connected with this page to get the information about CMH Bahawalpur Medical College merit list 2025 MBBS 1st, 2nd. These merit lists will be uploaded on December 2025, onwards. Prospective students who have passed their MDCAT test will be waiting to download the merit list. When you see your name in the existing merit list you will be called for the interview and you must not forget to take your genuine documents along with you. Authorized persons will approve your documents first then you will be able to get MBBS admission 2025 in CMH Bahawalpur Medical College.

When your documents are verified you will be able to pay your fee regarding your fee structure. Each student has to pass the test to get admission to MDCAT. It is to inform you that those students who are waiting for the merit list just stay tuned to this page for further details. Quid-e-Azam Medical College is a medical college in Bahawalpur which was founded on 2 December 1971. The merit list must be uploaded here on this page after the officials announced it so stay with this page and scroll down to get the latest updates.

CMH Bahawalpur Medical College Merit List 2025 MBBS 1st, 2nd

The National University of Medical Sciences NUMS University will start announcing the CMH Bahawalpur Medical Merit List for MBBS admission 2025. CMH Bahawalpur merit list will be released 1st, 2nd, and 3rd on open merit and merit based on the NUMS MDCAT test held on 11 October 2025. You should have to stay in tune with this page as soon as the university announces merit lists, which will be uploaded below on this page.

CMH Bahawalpur 1st Merit List Update Soon
CMH Bahawalpur 2nd Merit List Update Soon
CMH Bahawalpur 3rd Merit List Update Soon

CMH Bahawalpur Medical College Merit List 2025-2021 MBBS 1st, 2nd

CMH Bahawalpur Medical College Admission Dates:

All students have to follow the below date schedule for taking the CHM Bahawalpur Medical College merit list 2025. So that is why you have to come on this page and this page will provide the official links for the lists.

Registration of Application for Admission Starts Update Soon
Last Date of Receipt of Application for Admission Update Soon
Hafiz e Quran Test Update Soon
Display of 1st Merit List Update Soon

Admission Procedure:

When students see their name existing on the CMH Bahawalpur Medical College merit list, they will do the following steps for the final enrollment.

  1. After the display of the merit list on the college website.
  2. NUMS will offer the issuance of a selection letter.
  3. Students will come to the college with original documents.
  4. At the time of the interview, you will submit the fee dues.
  5. After the submission of fees, provincial admission to CMH Bahawalpur Medical College will be done.

So this is the complete information regarding CMH Bahawalpur Medical College Merit List 2025 MBBS 1st, 2nd. You have to stay in tune with this page because as soon as the officials will upload any further updates will be available here. You can ask any question in the following comments section for more updates.