The advertisement announced for Cadet College Karachi admission 2025 form entry test result will also be uploaded here. Students are taking complete information on this page from So that is why you can rely on this information until you get finally enrolled in your class. Karachi cadet college admission form is invited for the 8th class. If you have done 7th class and now want to join the armed force of Pakistan then never get late to follow the instructions about to attempt the entry test. Students will be hired from their age, previous class marks, and the marks a student will obtain for the entry test. This entry test is also necessary for the student to attempt because the officials will prepare the merit list through it.
Table of Contents
Cadet College Karachi is well designed and purpose builds the college. Here cadet took admission and get the best studies. Along with the studies they also get training at the Armed forces of Pakistan standards. Your child will start learning the official manners from the very beginning stages. Until he will reach to intermediate or graduation he will be fully developed to adopt the men’s at their best.
Cadet College Karachi Admission 2025 Form Entry Test Result
Apply online for Cadet College Karachi 8 class admission 2025-2020 before the last date 19 December 2025. On this page, we are sharing the eligibility criteria and procedure to apply for it. Never get late to submit your form online otherwise the officials will reject all those who will apply after the last date or any information is filled wrongly into it.
Class to Apply
Admissions are open for the 8th class
Eligibility Criteria
All those students can apply who will meet the following standards. These eligibility are set officials so it is necessary for all the students to full fill as per the official’s instructions. Anyone who will not meet the eligibility will not be entertained with the admissions in Karachi Army College.
- Age till 30 April 2025 should between 12 to 14 years without any age relaxation
- 7 class pass student or those who are studying in 8 class in any private or public school
Entry Test:
Before finalizing the admission, officials will conduct an entry test from all eligible candidates. The entry test is based on the written and oral tests which will be conducted by the HRDC Malir Cantt Karachi. Students will have to attempt the questions at seven class levels from the subjects; English, Urdu, Mathematics, General Science, General Knowledge, and Islamiyat. You are also informed that it is mandatory to conduct a minimum of 60% marks in this entry test. For the preparation of this test, students can go through their seventh class books as a short question.
How to Take Admission:
College prospectus is available at the college’s admission office. It is also available at the Malir Cantt Karachi check post number 6, or you can also obtain the forms from said branches of AL-Baraka bank. Price for the Cadet College Karachi 8th class admission prospectus is available in Rs. 2500/-. After taking the prospectus you will do the following procedure.
- Obtain the Cadet College Karachi admission 2025 form prospectus
- Fill up the form and attach all the required documents with it as per the instructions written into the form’s instructions section
- After filling the form you will resubmit the form at the same place where you obtain the form
- Never get late after the last date because otherwise you will be rejected to proceed
- Read the advertisement for more details
Hence the complete information relating to the Cadet College Karachi admission 2025 form entry test result is written here. I am also presenting the advertisement with you. Do you have any query or question in your mind relating to this intake? You must leave comments in the following commenting section for taking more details.