Bank of Punjab BOP Lahore Security Guards Jobs 2025 Advertisement How to Apply: Bank of Punjab BOP Lahore is now providing career opportunities in December 2025, in security positions only for the interested and suit able candidates. The department is looking to hire the educated, experience able, energetic, and honest and hard working candidates for all the required positions. These required positions include security. The complete info about the required position is avail able in the below mentioned job advertisement image in this page. The age limitation, merit and required eligibility criteria are all issued by the company and would be notice able during selection of the candidates.
Bank of Punjab BOP Lahore Security Guards Jobs 2025 Advertisement How to Apply
Eligibility criteria:
- Bank of Punjab BOP Lahore is also issued the required eligibility criteria for all the required or given posts or positions.
- The selection would be held only on the basis of the required eligibility criteria.
- The complete eligibility criteria for all the required posts or positions are avail able on the job advertisement which is given below in this page.
- All the candidates who are interested and want to apply application for job first examine the required eligibility criteria and make sure that they are eligible for their desired posts and then must apply application for job.
- If the candidates who are applying are not able or eligible for their desired posts they should not apply application form for job.
- In such case their application will not be acceptable and may be rejected.
How to apply for Bank of Punjab BOP Lahore Security Guards Jobs December 2025:
- Those candidates who are retired from the army or other related department are preferable.
- Candidates will send their application along with army service book, copy of computerized CNIC to the bank security office.
- The retired officers who are applying application have their age less than 45 years.
- Candidates should be agreeing for work in any branch of BOP.
- Candidates must mention their telephone number on the application form.
- They will be calling for interview by their mentioned telephone number.
- Applicants must send their applications with in due date.
- After due date the applications will not be prefer able and may be rejected.
- No TA/ DA will be allowed by the department to the candidates for test or interview.
Last Date for Bank of Punjab BOP Lahore Security Guards Jobs December 2025:
The last date for the submission of application form is 21 December 2025.
2nd floor, head office, BOP Tower, 10-B Block, E/II Main Boulevard, Gulberg III, Lahore.