Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad Charge Nurse NTS Test Result 2025 7th November

This page bringing the Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad Charge Nurse NTS Test Result 2025 7th November answer keys. Medical Teaching Institute Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad has released the jobs for the post of charge nurse. Concerned authorities have hired the National Testing Service (NTS) for conducting the entry test. This test was held on Saturday 7th November 2025. Now on this page, we are telling you about when the result is coming and how you can check it online from this page. The officials have not yet declared any final date for the announcement of the test result but as soon as the test result is announced will be uploaded here on this page.

Charge Nurse (RN)s is a senior post of nursing. A male or a female charge nurse assigns the work and duties to the other nursing staff. They charge nurse also attend the coordination meeting to assign the nursing activities in the hospital. This is a senior post in which the given salary package is also higher and the future is also bright. If you think that you are well aware of these details then just keep on reading this article for taking any further update which is just written about the NTS test result for charge nurse jobs in Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad.

Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad Charge Nurse NTS Test Result 2025 7th November

National Testing Service has taken the written test for charge nurse job in Ayub teaching hospital on Saturday 8 November 2025. A big number of male and female candidates have appeared in this test at once. But officials only hire those candidates who will pass the entry test and lies into the list of selected candidates.

Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad Charge Nurse NTS Test Result 2025 7th November

ATH NTS Test Result Announcement Date:

Officials have not yet declared any final date for the announcement of the Ayub teaching hospital Abbottabad charge nurse NTS test result. But it is because the test is held on Sunday 7 November that is why you are informed the result will be announced after seven to ten days. I suggest you stay in tune with this page because as soon as the result is announced will be uploaded here on this page expected till 15 November. We wish you all the best and telling you whenever the result is coming. Get ready to grab the information which will be updated here in a short time.

ATH ATD NTS Test Answer Keys:

All candidates are informed about the announcement of the ATH ATD NTS test answer keys. If the test is held on Saturday 7 November then the answer key will be released on the next day. The next day is Sunday, so it might be released on the evening of the same day otherwise it will be announced on Monday 9 November. As soon as it is announced will be available here. So just stay with us for more information.

  • Click on the link below to access the official website www.nts.org.pk result
  • Or send your roll number and CNIC number with a name to get live results on this page

[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”httpss://www.nts.org.pk/new/Allresults.php” icon=”” target=”true”]ATH NTS Test Result[/button]

To this, I have written the complete information about Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad Charge Nurse NTS Test Result 2025 7th November answer keys. I hope you have taken these details correctly but if you have any suggestions or query you can leave comments in the following commenting section.