Army Medical Cadet Test Sample Paper Pattern Syllabus Preparation MCQs Format

Here you can download Army Medical Cadet test sample paper pattern syllabus preparation MCQs format PDF. A few weeks ago the Pakistan Army released the advertisement for Army Medical Cadet. Through this course, candidates will be able to study MBBS and BDS in Army administered medical colleges in Rawalpindi, Lahore, Quetta, Karachi, Multan. FSc pre-medical or equivalent pass students have applied for this entry and will attempt the written preliminary test. If you also have applied and sought the Army Medical Cadet Syllabus PDF download, then here we are providing you the preparation material. Remember these vacancies written tests will base on objective type MCQ questions. Only those candidates can pass this test who prepare from the below-given material. If you have a good preparation for your academic syllabus then you can easily attempt this test.

Those who will be appointed on this intake will study MBBS or BDS in any Army based medical college in all over Pakistan. During the studies, the Army will also provide you a monthly stipend for meeting basic educational expenses. After completion of your course work, officials will also provide 22 days of training in the Army medical corps. You will also get a great chance to take a house job at any Armed base military hospital. So you should download the following Army Medical Cadet test pattern and start preparation online.

Army Medical Cadet Test Sample Paper Pattern Syllabus Preparation MCQs Format

Applicants after apply you will easily download Army Medical Cadet test sample paper pattern syllabus for the preparation of MCQs. Only those who will pass in test will be qualify to call at an interview by the officials. While those who will prepare the following pattern will only be entertained with interview procedure.

Who Can Apply For This Test?

It is hereby informed to all of you that the Army medical cadet eligibility criteria are very important. Just those who will pass meet these credentials will be entertained while the others will be rejected to proceed.

Age  Minimum 17 and maximum 21 Years age on 1 Nov 2025
Gender Only Male
Marital Status Unmarried
Nationality Citizens of Pakistan and domicile holders of Azad Kashmir I Gilgit Baltistan Upon final selection, candidates with dual nationality will have to surrender
Physical Standards
5 feet 4 inches in height and physically and mentally fit persons

Army Medical Cadet Test Pattern:

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Army Medical Cadet Test Syllabus:

Army Medical Cadet Test Syllabus For Physics MCQs Army Medical Cadet Test Syllabus For English MCQs Army Medical Cadet Test Syllabus For Chemistry MCQs Army Medical Cadet Test Syllabus For Biology MCQs

This is a fact Army Medical cadet test sample paper pattern syllabus preparation MCQs format is a success key for exam high marks. You must prepare it this test from this page. In case of any further assistance, you can buy the available books for Army Cadet test preparation. Just stay tuned with this page because as soon as the officials are announcing any update sharing here.